#Flashing : [#comment: "What member would you like to use as the hot state (FilmLoop)?", #format:#filmloop, #default: ""],\
#PlaySound: [#comment: "Which sound would you like to play?", #format:#sound, #default: ""],\
#SndChannel : [#comment: "Wait for sound channel to empty before begining?", #format:#string, #range: ["No", "Channel 1", "Channel 2", "All Channels"], #default: 0],\
#Moviecheck : [#comment: "Wait for a movie to finish before beginning? ", #format:#boolean, #default: 0],\
#QueName : [#comment: "If checked, what is the movie's member name? " & RETURN & "---Don't forget to attach the Ending2 behavior to the movie--", #format:#quicktimemedia, #default: ""]\
return plist
--Makes the sprite flash and the sound play.
on Ending me
if guard = 0 then
QueSprite = sendallsprites (#IdCall)
guard = 1
end if
if (Moviecheck = 1) then
if (member(QueName).duration = sprite(QueSprite).movietime) then --If movie is over.
sprite(SpNum).membernum = member(Flashing).number
if soundguard = 0 then
soundguard = 1
end if
end if
else if SndChannel <> "No" then --If the sound channel is empty.
if ((SndChannel = "Channel 1") and (soundbusy(1) = 0)) or ((SndChannel = "Channel 2") and (soundbusy(2) = 0)) or (((SndChannel = "All Channels") and (soundbusy(1) = 0)) and ((SndChannel = "All Channels") and (soundbusy(2) = 0))) then